Our Vision Our Values

1. We value care, consideration and co-operation

2. To effectively manage students (for learning to accure):-

  • All staff must be aware of the student engagement plicy and implement it firmly and consistently
  • Teacher must plan lessons that engage and challenge student.
  • Student must take responsibility for their behavior-Assesment practices are open and accountable, and will effect the work completed during the curse of study. The Reporting that follows will indicate outcomes achieved to parents/caregivers, students for the requiring further development.

    • 3. The role of the teacher is to be motivator and facilitator and an up to date professional who provides direction in a flexible and dynamic way using a variety of resources to enhance the learning environment. Effective learning and teaching practices occur when Teachers:

      • Connect with students and cater for different learning styles.
      • Engage and motivate students with a variety of tasks.
      • Build on prior knowledge and understanding of basic principles and processes of subject ares

      4. The teacher is a catalyst for effective and idependent learning through developing a supportive and dynamic classroom environment. Positive relationship , mutual respect and co-operation between students and teachers produces better outcomes.

      5. Our student will bewell adjusted individuals who are confident, communicative, independent, motivated, enthusiastic mature, achieving,skilled knowledgeable, future oriented and socially aware.

      6. Students who have satisfied their basic needs (e.g. respect and being valued) and arfe motivated will choose to engage in learning children learn effectively if they are interested challenged and motivated

      7. role of the Parents/caregiver is to :-

      • Support and encourage students to value education
      • Assist students to develop responsibility for learning.
      • Provide support for educational issues within the school.
      • Students ned to develop the motivation to encahnce self responsibility and independence for their own learning and respect for the rights of others to learn
        • Our Family

          Subhash public senior secondary school, housing board, dhoinda(hindi medium)

          Subhash public senior school, housing board, dhoinda (English medium)

          Subhash public school, puthol (hindi medium) [1 to 8]